24seven Mortgages News August 2021

This newsletter is reaching you all during another lockdown, Covid Level 4 for the whole of NZ, and it is small consolation that everyone is affected in some way currently.
One of the current challenges for everybody is purely guessing how long this lockdown will be ? And there will be no clearer picture, until either Friday midnight this week for the rest of NZ. or midnight next week for Auckland.
We have included below some contact details and advice from all 1st tier Lenders directly from their websites. So depending on your employment situation, changing your repayments to Interest Only or actually taking a Mortgage Repayment Holiday are definitely sensible options and much preferred to underestimating your financial situation and running into a mortgage arrears situation where if you defaulted on a loan payment you would be paying extra loan interest .
The 24seven Mortgages staff are working remotely from home during this period of time - and available for extra assistance or queries - although like a lot of other industries - many areas are on hold during this Alert Level 4 ie delayed settlements, Registered Valuation cannot take place, etc
Feel welcome to call us - we can be reached at 0800 247 667 or send us a query here
Lynn & 24seven Mortgages Team
Lynn Houghton
Principal and Owner 24seven Mortgages
FreePhone 0800 247 667
Four Times New Zealand Mortgage Broker of the Year -- Waikato / Bay of Plenty Region
Link: 24seven Mortgages News August 2021
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